I've run a range of collaborative shows over the years aswell as doing solo shows of my own. Collaborating with my community is a true passion. I've also been part of many group shows run by others in my time.
Below are a snippet of a few favourites I've worked on.

ALWAYS / NEVER is a series of paintings where LUNA TUNES dives into the push and pull of opposites. How opposites exist as polars of a spectrum and also dance around each other - existing simultaneously and contradicting to make something new together. Reaching through to the Nothing with eyes closed LUNA TUNES pulls a series of cyclical living symbology like constructed, dreamt memories.
SPIRIT LOOP was my first solo show as LUNA TUNES.
SPIRIT LOOP is a collection of works by LUNA TUNES painted in the last couple of months of 2020 and the first bit of 2021.
In 2020 I painted more than I ever have ~ I truly fell in love with making my art in a whole new way. Painting for my virtual exhibition DREEM BABIE mid year was a genuine solace and helped connect me to my community in a year of isolation.
SPIRIT LOOP is the follow up or the evolution of DREEM BABIE. The same sort of flow runs from the end of DREEM BABIE into these latest ones. SPIRIT LOOP feels kinda deeper to me - as in deeper roots connecting to something. I feel a stronger connection to my painting and my ideas and my flow. But SPIRIT LOOP grew from DREEM BABIE.
SPIRIT LOOP the title came from the idea of a loop between worlds ~ souls and ideas coming in and out of this world from or to other worlds.

In 2020 I painted more than I ever have ~ I truly fell in love with making my art in a whole new way. Painting for my virtual exhibition DREEM BABIE mid year was a genuine solace and helped connect me to my community in a year of isolation.
Also an online exhibtion was super fun to curate and let that idea drip into the themes of the show.

TRASH BABIE was born when LUNA TUNES picked up an old backboard from the side of the road and painted it. It was fun. They thought why not have a show completely made of found objects , re-used items, upcycled stuff and old painting painted over.
Expanding on the beauty of using whatever you come across to make art LUNA TUNES has asked a bunch of artists friends to collaborate and create an Art experience and fill the room at OLD BAR.
The final show was a beautiful mess of painted found object, sound pieces videos and an overall adventure of an exhibition.

PORTAL is a collaborative artist book where the reader is taken through Portals to different worlds of 30 artists from around the world.
We launched the book with an exhibition at HONEY BONES 2023.
You can buy PORTAL here